NaNoWriMo 2011 Participant
The last time I tried competing in *NaNoWriMo was around 2004…I think. Last month I decided it would be a truly swell idea to try it again. It is only 50,000 words for novel completion. Yea, you read write, novel completion. To make it especially challenging, I don’t have a story idea so the plot is nonexistent. Somehow and always I wait to the last minute to get the dreaded things done.
Tomorrow Today I have errands to run before the kiddies come “trick or treating”. If (and I know I’m all over the place here) I can only do 1,667 words a day for 29 days and double that word count on one day (I need one day to outline.) then I’ll be OK. I can make anything sound easy but the trouble and hassle is in the doing.
Funny enough, I’ve already selected my pen name. Yea, I did that months ago and purchased the domain name for it as well, not to mention the Gmail account for fan mail…I’m setting up the dream, setting up the dream baby.
Instead of me bumping my gums (I love saying that.) I should wash my hair and prepare for tomorrow today.
Word Count: 160
*Footnote: http://www.nanowrimo.org
Popularity: 10%